Sightseeing at a tea party

Summing a visit to a tea party:

The hatred was palpable today on the State Capitol’s steps. Hatred for taxes, hatred for government, hatred for state workers, hatred for teachers, hatred for Democrats, and hatred for all of the straw men that leap from the imaginations of talk radio jocks.

George W. Bush’s entire eight years was nothing but a neo-liberal experiment in skewing government and every other public good toward serving the interests of profiteers and the rich. That was apparently fine with these rightwingers as long as the government money was flowing upwards into the hands of the rich and corporations.-

And therein lies the beauty of the whole Tea Bag ‘movement’. Affluent people like Michelle Malkin and Grover Norquist and the army of radio ‘personalities’ convince working people, most of who have a relative or are themselves on Medicare or Social Security, to denounce taxes on affluent people. Joseph A. Palermo, Associate Professor of History

250 times more earmarks

urban cartography responds to tea parties:

…why are the current “tea party” protests so often organized by and appealing to conservative voters? isn’t it their own call for deregulation that caused the problem?

… hasn’t the constant coddling of big business – since the late 1940s – been the signature, the hallmark, of the Republican party, with conservative politicians responsible for almost 250 times more earmarks to big banking, insurance & manufacturing than Democrats (in 50 years, that amounts to about 98 trillion, according to the OMB)?

I think the bailouts are a mistake, too, but not for made-up Socialist scare tactics, but rather because it’s yet more public dollars going to the already rich – even more of this continuing ingrained right-wing bullshit brainwashing we’ve had that it’s the job of the working to prop up the billionaires of the country and the world.

Calibrate Tomorrow

Pioneering was a bitch when only a homestead mattered.

Now we’re walking far.

We are good work, not following, not Crusade nor War, these are only mileposts we see with our poor mind. History is made of spirit, trundle and baggage yes, but glint and spark as well.

Our foot is heavy, but it does lift. We stay along the good trail, our gift many travel, seared in blizzard maybe, but convinced of virtue’s key.

We too are ancestors.

Where do we go now?

Let’s say for a moment that it would be good if there’s a sincere economist.

Mike Stathis posts at a syndicate site called SeekingAlpha:

…while I may not agree with some of their editorial decisions, I want to commend their provision to allow contributors to have a free uncensored voice through the addition of the instablog. I feel it to be a fair compromise for those of us (as few as there are) who are committed to telling the truth for the benefit of investors.

I understand the SA wants to ensure their content meets certain guidelines – because it is streamed through to mainstream media sites. But people have had enough of the mainstream media bull.

It was the mainstream media that denied problems with the economy. People want the truth.

Dick Armey behind Tea Party

Dick Armey promotes the Tea PartyInvestigators say that Dick Armey instigated the Tea Party, or as Larisa Alexandrovna reports, The rich buy the stupid and manufacture a movement… nothing grassroots about it.

Pulling strings in Red States, well-funded committees organize a froth.

The curve of my palm

Look, here it is,
Nestled in the curve of my palm.

the curve of my palmHope sheltered in the heart,
Trusting, as it rests there,
That for a while,
Or perhaps forever,
No harm will come.

That’s a thought.
That’s a poet.

All Are WOW Us Begin

It’s a Wide Open World.

We now have In muckraker’s heaven, there’s a new world.

  1. 195 million records tracking campaign fundraising and spending
  2. 3.5 million records on lobbyists, their clients, fees
  3. personal assets, liabilities and transactions of Congress
  4. shadow records of unlimited money from corporations, unions and individuals

For every unemployed, there’s a stupid leader. For every lost dollar, there’s a lobbyist. For every favor, there’s government insiders. For every starving journalist, there’s failed news.

Fix it. Get a shovel and dig dirt.
There’s gold here. Nuggets of history. Shine of tomorrow.

Shaming Elephants

Nobel economist Paul Krugman writes in the New York Times that Republicans have become embarrassing to watch. [story]

And it doesn’t feel right to make fun of crazy people. Better, perhaps, to focus on the real policy debates, which are all among Democrats.

But here’s the thing: the G.O.P. looked as crazy 10 or 15 years ago as it does now.

That didn’t stop Republicans from taking control of both Congress and the White House. And they could return to power if the Democrats stumble. So it behooves us to look closely at the state of what is, after all, one of our nation’s two great political parties.

Background report on Somalia pirates

UK Reuters published a decent summary. My first question is, “What have ambassadors and embassy staff been doing the last years? Teaching abstinence and sipping wine?”

Away from the international limelight, the gangs have been striking regularly for years. After the rescue of U.S. ship captain Richard Phillips, they still hold about 260 hostages, including nearly 100 Filipinos, on 17 captured vessels.

So who are these modern-day buccaneers?

How did the pirates start?

* When warlords toppled former dictator Mohamed Siad Barre in 1991, Somalia collapsed into anarchy. That led to a wave of illegal fishing, plus dumping of toxic and industrial waste, in Somali waters by foreign fleets from Europe and Asia.

* Towards the end of the decade, local fishermen and militia formed groups with names like the “Somali Coastguards” and the “National Volunteer Coastguards”, to drive away or apprehend the vessels from South Korea, Italy, Spain, Thailand and elsewhere.

* Seeing how easy it was to capture ships, those groups metamorphosed this decade into old-fashioned pirate gangs, becoming ever more sophisticated in methods and bold in range.

Mark Morford, columnist at SFGate asks, “What’s a Somali pirate? Why, just your avg post-anarchy do-gooder vigilante fisherman-turned-sophisticated criminal thug.”

Protocol that matters

The Queen with Michelle ObamaIt’s old news now.

But I hoped for this picture because, in all the headlines and commentary about Michelle behaving inappropriately in audience with the Queen, this is the only picture that’s news, the shot viewed least.

Sorry no worthy attribution.

What to do instead of a recession!

“The Greeks invented the idea of nemesis to show how any single virtue, stubbornly maintained, gradually changes into a destructive vice.

“Our success, our industry, our habit of work have produced our economic nemesis.

“Work made modern men great, but now threatens to usurp our souls, to inundate the earth in things and trash, to destroy our capacity to love and wonder.” – Sam Keen

Feed ’em soap

Dollars from cornThis is annoying. The announcement says left-over glycerin works as animal feed reducing the negative impact of diverting corn or soy to biofuel
Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists have found environmentally and economically sound uses for the byproducts of biofuel production.

Maybe it’s true, but it’s annoying to think about.

Left hand, Tight hand

State and local cuts and tax increases will total about $350 billion.

This is nuts — exactly the opposite of what government needs to be doing. That $350 billion is a huge fiscal drag on the U.S. economy.

It essentially negates almost half of the federal stimulus. Robert Reich

Screwing Society

The Wall Street Journal compiled a few facts:

Folks earning about $14,000 a year use 20% of their pay for health policies.

Upper income Americans draw ~3% and ninety percent are covered.

Since 1966, get this: Health insurance premiums grew 5% a year.

Astounding error.

Hidden in the waves

The sun is out after three days of grey and it dries the Mahi and sends energy through the solar panels to the batteries. I just got an email from a Chinese cargo ship Captain that we passed a few days ago. I had not seen a ship in so long I decided to check my VHF radio. We had a brief chat and I gave him the address of the website so he could look me up. When he emailed us, he said they were astonished that I had been over 700 days non-stop at sea. They were in route non-stop from China to Brazil and they thought their 30 days was long enough to be at sea, but that now they would rethink that idea.

Years ago when I conceived of spending 1000 days non-stop at sea, I realized I could change the accepted paradigm for what was considered to be a long time at sea.

I especially felt that I could do a good turn for my nation, setting an example for our Navy, Coast Guard, Merchant Marines and fishing fleet. Once they hear of how long I have been at sea, they will think their tour of duty is not so long after all. They will think if I can stay out this long, then they will buckle up, their moral goes up, their performance goes up and our country benefits in a big way far into the future.

Of course this includes men and women from all countries who are professionals at sea. We are all alike. We have our fears of the great ocean, the environment puts stress on all of us and we all miss our loved ones and the life on the land. Knowing that someone has spent so long at sea and found grace while doing it will automatically lift the spirits of those who venture on the high seas.

Weerd huh?

The United States: a country that promotes the ‘survival of the fittest’ while half don’t believe in evolution. [link]

Bush leadership

Joe Biden reminiscing:

I remember President Bush saying to me one time in the Oval Office, and he was a great guy, enjoyed being with him.

He said to me, he said, ‘Well, Joe,’ he said, ‘I’m a leader.’ And I said, ‘Mr. President, turn around and look behind you. No one’s following.’

Where to park

a report.

“We find that Google Trends data can help improve forecasts of the current level of activity for a number of different economic time series, including automobile sales, home sales, retail sales, and travel behavior. Even predicting the present is useful, since it may help identify “turning points” in economic time series. If people start doing significantly more searches for “Real Estate Agents” in a certain location, it is tempting to think that house sales might increase in that area in the near future.”

Let them eat trees

Danny Sullivan is straightforward about the arrogance of legacy media:

“Should we be allowing Google to steal all our copyrights?” asked the News Corp. chief at a cable industry confab in Washington, D.C., Thursday. The answer, said Murdoch, should be, ” ‘Thanks, but no thanks.’ “

Let me help you with that, Rupert. I’m going to save you all those potential legal fees plus needing to even speak further about the evil of the Big G with one simple line. Get your tech person to change your robots.txt file to say this:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /

Done. Do that, you’re outta Google. All your pages will be removed, and you needn’t worry about Google listing the Wall St. Journal at all.

There’s also a policy statement from Google; associate general counsel Alexander Macgillivray: Don’t point fingers at us.

“We show snippets and links under the doctrine of fair use enshrined in the United States Copyright Act.

“Even though the Copyright Act does not grant a copyright owner a veto over such uses, it is our policy to allow any rightsholder, in this case newspaper or wire service, to remove their content from our index–all they have to do is ask us or implement simple technical standards.”

Coin-op Rickshaw

General Motors and Segway Project PUMAIntroduced at the New York Auto Show, General Motors and Segway have teamed up to create a new type of personal transport vehicle, Project PUMA, Personal Urban Mobility and Accessibility, 35 mph for a range of 35 miles.

OK. Now I get it. China sells us boatloads of electric commuter cars and we respond by exporting the 21st Century rickshaw.

Now that’s balance of trade!

Car & Driver