Hidden in the waves

The sun is out after three days of grey and it dries the Mahi and sends energy through the solar panels to the batteries. I just got an email from a Chinese cargo ship Captain that we passed a few days ago. I had not seen a ship in so long I decided to check my VHF radio. We had a brief chat and I gave him the address of the website so he could look me up. When he emailed us, he said they were astonished that I had been over 700 days non-stop at sea. They were in route non-stop from China to Brazil and they thought their 30 days was long enough to be at sea, but that now they would rethink that idea.

Years ago when I conceived of spending 1000 days non-stop at sea, I realized I could change the accepted paradigm for what was considered to be a long time at sea.

I especially felt that I could do a good turn for my nation, setting an example for our Navy, Coast Guard, Merchant Marines and fishing fleet. Once they hear of how long I have been at sea, they will think their tour of duty is not so long after all. They will think if I can stay out this long, then they will buckle up, their moral goes up, their performance goes up and our country benefits in a big way far into the future.

Of course this includes men and women from all countries who are professionals at sea. We are all alike. We have our fears of the great ocean, the environment puts stress on all of us and we all miss our loved ones and the life on the land. Knowing that someone has spent so long at sea and found grace while doing it will automatically lift the spirits of those who venture on the high seas.