Safe Cottages for New Orleans

[Press Release – The White House – September 9, 2008]
FEMA Introduces New Katrina Cottage

“These are smart, safe homes and cost much less than a trailer,” FEMA officials announced at the White House today.

FEMA Quik-Cottage introducedThe affordable Kwik-Cottage developed by the Southern Pine Council and the Army Corps of Engineers advances residential architecture, reflects the famous old world charm of New Orleans and enhances public safety.”

“The Hurricane Recovery Housing Program is ground breaking, no pun intended,” said Gov. Bobby Jindal, “This is a breakthrough for business.”

NOLA area opponents remain critical, saying taxpayers are footing the bill.

From lede transcript, NOLA-TV News Feature – Buckets? We Got Buckets

‘Protesters told reporters, “The Wall Street Journal doesn’t vote, it’s the Republican caucus on the ballot. Just like Sarah Palin, they fire commissioners. They shifted the Louisiana Recovery Authority to the Louisiana Cottages Administration to steer tax funds to cronies. It’s ‘big government, less government’ but it’s our money.”

‘At the French Quarter today, crowds are loud under the iron filigree as marchers slow step the famed avenue of haunts and jaunts, chanting a brassy syncopation of Louisiana politics, “Earmarks. Earmarks. Pork. Pork. Pork”.

The Obama Campaign said public funds should be directed to advanced engineering such as the Army Corps of Ecology or for real science on the Mississippi and not wasted on a lobby for a few contractors in New Orleans. “This falls on the heels of falling down on the job all over again,” said Obama.

A letter from the D.C. McCain-Palin office said their new Re-Entry Mortgage Bill will boost the economy and get government off the back of emergency housing, give builders a brand alternative, plus reduce taxes in the lucrative crisis marketplace.