know your fellow voter

From Paul Revere to Sarah Palin, we do not know our country.

One quarter of Americans do not know which country we fought for independence. Look at this survey! One-third of women and 40% under 30 do not know.  Many answered France, Germany, Mexico or China.

Marist Institute Poll of USA Residents

Great Britain Unsure Other country

Total 74% 20% 6%
Region Northeast 84% 10% 6%
Midwest 74% 21% 5%
South 68% 26% 6%
West 75% 18% 7%
Income Under $50,000 63% 30% 7%
Over $50,000
86% 9% 5%
Race White 82% 13% 5%
Non-white 56% 35% 9%
Age 18 to 29 60% 33% 7%
30 to 44 75% 15% 10%
45 to 59 79% 17% 4%
60 or older 76% 19% 4%
Age Under 45 67% 24% 9%
45 or older 78% 18% 4%
Gender Men 81% 12% 7%
Women 67% 28% 5%