surplus of women

Girls are where there’s boys with high incomes:

Throughout the industrialized world, young women outnumber young men in urban areas. Such a pattern may be linked to higher male incomes in urban areas.

The argument is that urban areas offer skilled workers better labor markets. Assuming that there are more skilled males than females, this alone would predict a surplus of males.

However, the presence of males with high incomes may attract not only skilled females but also unskilled females. Thus, a surplus of women in urban areas may result from a combination of better labor and marriage markets. – Source: “Sex and the City” from Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 2005, vol. 107, issue 1, pages 25-44

Importantly, oral sex is the ‘sexual revolution of the 21st century’.

“Based on the results of my study, there is a percentage of women (just over 30 per cent) who feel powerful when performing fellatio. Apparently some women find it empowering and believe that it can wield a lot of power.”

“Eighty-two per cent of respondents said that they never used protection when engaging in oral sex, compared to only seven per cent for intercourse; it’s almost like it didn’t occur to them to protect themselves when having oral sex,” said Brea Malacad, Faculty of Education, University of Alberta.

correcting foodie myth

Rachel Laudan:

Eating fresh, natural food was regarded with suspicion verging on horror; only the uncivilized, the poor, and the starving resorted to it.

To make food tasty, safe, digestible, and healthy, our forebears bred, ground, soaked, leached, curdled, fermented, and cooked naturally occurring plants and animals until they were literally beaten into submission. They created sweet oranges and juicy apples and non-bitter legumes, happily abandoning their more natural but less tasty ancestors. They built granaries, dried their meat and their fruit, salted and smoked their fish, curdled and fermented their dairy products, and cheerfully used additives and preservatives—sugar, salt, oil, vinegar, lye—to make edible foodstuffs.

David Gentilcore:

In Italy, up until the 1950s, there was a large part of the country, even where they produce tomatoes, where they wouldn’t eat the stuff.

Most Italian dishes, such as pasta al pomodoro, are fairly recent — from the 1870s or ’80s. Italian immigrants arriving in New York City or Boston were the first generation to eat these dishes as daily things. Making a rich meat sauce with maybe the addition of tomato paste, that Sunday gravy style, is something that happens only in the 20th century.

Dan Jurafsky:

The story starts in the mid-6th century in Persia.

French fries, the “chips” of “fish and chips”, are Belgian, and came to England only in the mid-19th century. And the “fish”, deep-fried battered fish, turns out to be a cousin to ceviche; both of them, as well as some other well-known foods that’ll we’ll get to, are the direct descendents of the favorite dish of the Shahs of Persia more than 1500 years ago.

plankton fertilization

…don’t want no more ceee oooh twooo:

it has been shown that atmospheric CO2 concentration (up to 90% of global warming) was roughly twice higher in the not too distant past, some 70,000 years ago. What caused CO2 to drop to a low level around 1850? It was primarily due to plankton growing on the surface of the sea where it absorbs CO2. Sinking to the bottom of the sea, it’s eventually trapped in sediments where it turns to oil or gas.

There simply isn’t enough growing on 35% of the Earth’s surface to soak up the excess atmospheric CO2 that we have to contend with.

Plankton, on the other hand, grow on 65% of the Earth, the seas, where it absorbs atmospheric CO2 faster, in greater quantities. and sequesters it for thousands of in the form of oil and gas.

All we need to do is to dust the surface of the ocean with rust !

What prevents us from proceeding? Damn uncertainty. Uncertainty and what’s beyond. And that’s enough for me.

our dubious handlers

Name the person that has caused the most harm in the name of religion.

Wha?! Only one?

Gods Lunatics. :::nuf sed:::God’s Lunatics !

Lost Souls,
False Prophets,
Martyred Saints,
Murderous Cults,
Demonic Nuns,
and Other Victims of Man’s Eternal Search for the Divine.

“I was getting kind of crazy at the end of the book. With all the different gods, it got hard to sleep.” – Michael Largo

value of a teacher

Public school students are graded and tested all the time. Not so with teachers. Teachers have long been evaluated based on brief, pre-announced visits by principals who offer a confidential and subjective assessment of their skills. How much students are learning is rarely taken into account

The surest sign of a teacher’s effectiveness is engagement.

Highly effective teachers routinely propel students from below grade level to advanced in a single year.

The best teachers were not concentrated in schools in the most affluent neighborhoods, nor were the weakest instructors bunched in poor areas.

Although many parents fixate on picking the right school for their child, it matters far more which teacher the child gets.

Teachers paid more for experience, education and training, had little bearing on whether they improved their students’ performance.


opposition to zealotry

Gary Jones:

I tend to pretty much disagree with everyone and everything.

Feynman’s assertion that science is the belief in the ignorance of experts seems like simple good sense that generalizes to all aspects of human endeavor. Humans are fallible: this is a feature not a bug. Fail forward faster etc.

Everything that I know is wrong, though I don’t know what is wrong with what I know, or what is right, and assume that the same is true for you since I’ve seldom if ever seen contrary evidence that upon close examination proved to be sound.

I’m comfortable with the fact that we are all lack-wits and bumblers, and comfortable with continuing none the less to pursue immediate objectives that seem to be worthwhile given current circustances and understandings. Our current errors will be revealed shortly, though our general condition will be unchanged by those revealations.

Good cheer and a sense of humor are useful as salve for our embarrassment and wounds.

serious boom

The ash from Iceland’s Eyjafjallajokull eruption dispersed roughly 600 miles across Western Europe. A light dusting – “it would be generous to say half a millimeter”. Six hundred miles from the blast at Yellowstone’s caldera the ash is about 1.5ft. thick – one thousand times thicker.

Yellowstone caldera ash

web of tiers

Unfortunately for Google, there’s a wonderful search engine called Google, which can be used to dig up things …

Mike Masnick on net neutrality and pipes to our brain:

Google is going to do what it believes is best for Google. There’s nothing wrong with that — it’s just that, in the past, Google tended to realize that what was best for consumers was also best for Google. Now… it doesn’t seem quite as sure of that. I think this is generally a mistake that Google may come to regret.

spurious morals

Ignoring deductions from paychecks whether five years or fifty years, the policy of presidential candidate Newt Gingrich is that unemployment insurance payments are welfare that’s breeding laziness and lack of productivity across America.

Speaker Gingrich porked more federal ‘welfare’ to his district but Arlington and the Kennedy Space Center.

Party of Lincoln. HA!

lincoln by melnyukov

loops of negativity

Not  all brooders and ruminators are created equal.

American brooders show extremely high levels of depressive symptoms. Russian brooders are less likely to be depressed. Rumination is an emotional buffer for Russians, but makes Americans depressed.

Yes, it’s true. Deepest thoughts and feelings are not the same in Moscow or Michigan.

trickle charge thinking cap

transcranial direct current stimulation
Weak electrical currents are applied to the scalp

Boost your brainpower at the flick of a switch!
Increase verbal and motor skills!
Improve learning and memory!

Neurons in the cerebral cortex tend to be arranged with their information-gathering dendrites pointing outwards, towards the scalp, and their information-transmitting axons projecting inwards. When the positively charged tDCS electrode is close to the dendrites, the current causes active neurons to fire more frequently. The negative electrode does the opposite. So if you know the region of the cortex you want to target, you can zap it with one of the electrodes to either stimulate it or inhibit it. The overall effect of tDCS is to make the excited area work more effectively.

Richard Chi’s research on non-invasive brain stimulation.
New Scientist link. Next Big Future blog post.

Don’t wait! Enhance learning! Raise verbal skills 20%! Escalate memory 110%! Be the first on your block to use the new Ron Popeil Thinking Cap. Improve your brain today! Free shipping to first 500 callers. Major credit card req’d.

trickle charge thinking cap

grizzling away

Sarah Palin falls in polls“Why Sarah Palin decided to get in the race is beyond me.”

“I don’t know why she feels compelled to get into primaries all over the country. … Well, yes, I wish she [would butt out] because what she is doing is dividing the Republican Party at a time when we don’t need to be divided.” – Jack Kingston (R-GA)

Republican support for Palin has fallen to 12 points placing her bid for the presidency well behind Huckabee and Newt Gingrich.

haywire finger-pointing

How much unemployment can we blame on Obama?

Obama jobs

At first, 671,000 jobs were lost as the stimulus and other moves kicked in. Within  six months, 630,000 jobs returned.

The tally:  Obama can be held accountable for a net loss of 41,000 jobs.

7,796,000 jobs were lost by Republicans and G.W. Bush.

the hamburger pill

A. Very close to 55 percent of the beef sold to the American consumer is ground beef. In the next 10-15 years, 65-70 percent will be ground beef.

B. As body weight increases, blood pressure rises. Excess salt increases blood pressure. Fast foods and processed foods contain particularly high amounts of fats and sodium.

C. Life and health insurance companies invest billions of dollars into fast food restaurants.

D. Pharmaceutical firms want some of the action?

Free statins with fast food could neutralize heart risk

“Taking a statin is a rational way of lowering some of the risks of eating a fatty meal.” – Dr Darrel Francis, American Journal of Cardiology.

The reduction in cardiovascular risk offered by a statin is enough to offset the increase in heart attack risk from eating a cheeseburger and a milkshake.

All Fixed Now.

pocket change

Asian governments generally grapple with an informal or hidden economy reaching levels of 30%, while China’s shadow economy was set at about 15%.

But Bloomberg is reporting new numbers which reveal about 30% of China’s economy is also illegal or quasi-illegal. Households are hiding as much as $1.4 trillion, 80% accrued by the top 20% politicians, managers and plant contractors.

Next Big Future has broken out a laundry list of China’s hidden money!

China’s measure of official GDP is centrally derived, based on its ‘flow of funds’ and not easily comparable to OECD figures. The USA and OECD countries have estimated 16% shadow economies. Worldwide, criminal financial activity hides another 15% from tally and tax. 2006 study of shadow economies for 145 countries, Brookings Institute [ pdf ]

barking up genes

Andy is a PuliPaws to ponder. And a terrific slide show.

The blog at points out we’ve recently decoded dogs’ genetics.

I suppose we’ve tinkered with genomic loci that’s given us a marvelous diversity of dogs.

‘Excuse me, that’s not a mobile mop, that’s Andy, our annotated retroposon lamina Hungarian sheep herder.’

Tim Flach, Extreme Dogs

wiki government

Highlights here of Beth Noveck’s “Transparent Government”, the Long Now Foundation’s Seminars about Long-Term Thinking.

We have to look at the ways we can reengineer our institutions…

We have been concentrating decision-making power in the hands of too few people – whether legislatures, or cabinet officials, or bureaucrats and agencies like the patent office. We construct our institutional practices around the notion that this is the best way that we have to make decisions.

Even though we do not have a system of monarchy or aristocracy, we still believe in the notion of political expertise, and the notion that we have to rest power at the center.

What exacerbates this problem is that we are making long-term decisions that affect the fate of our planet.

The fate of our economy, and of major systems of health care and education and environment, are being decided by people who are in short-term political positions. We have a disconnect between the long-term effect of what we do, and short-term electoral cycles.

purple sneakers

Let’s look at the facts: The emperor Augustus found Rome a city of brick and left it a city of marble.

Ryan Brinkerhoff City Set printSimilarly, I can say that found Randy’s Diner a cheap greasy spoon with threadbare gingham tablecloths and tomato sauce dispensers shaped liked huge tomatoes.

I made it a gleaming Carlo’s Panini Pavilion franchise featuring Carlotta’s Gelato Annex. Some local residents bemoaned the bulldozing of Randy’s, calling Carlo’s “the Starbucks of Italian-style toasted sandwiches.” Apparently they thought that paying fifteen bucks for a Tuscan Turkey Melt with romaine lettuce, sun-dried tomato, honey mustard and your choice of three cheese toppings on ciabatta was an insanely outrageous expense. Well, an old-fashioned, four buck club sandwich from Randy’s might fill people’s stomachs, but could it fill a full-color center-spread in Happenin’ Around Town with a starred review and arty lomo photographs? No, because a trendy magazine like Happenin’ Around Town wouldn’t bother going to a dreary dump like Randy’s in the first place.

forget university

Bill Gates says, "Forget University."Bill Gates: Forget university, the web is the future for education.

He said, “Five years from now on the web for free you’ll be able to find the best lectures in the world. It will be better than any single university.”

Using online courses and textbooks , he believes a $50,000 per year university education would total just $2,000.

protesteth with goons

Palin: I’m honored to meet you, I really am. And, no we both agree on the freedom of speech and the-

Kathleen: Yes we do.

Palin: you know – the protection of that. So, um, no I and, you know… best of everything to you too and Yeah.

Kathleen: Thank you for coming over.

Kathleen resides in Homer, Alaska where she interacted with Sarah Palin filming for Discovery Channel. Kathleen had made a sign in her shed. She took the 30 foot by 3 foot banner out to the boat harbor. It said ‘WORST GOVERNOR EVER’.

Kathleen Gustafson is a teacher married to a local commercial fisherman. She felt like Sarah Palin had let the state down by becoming a dollar-chasing celebrity and ignoring the oath of office she’d sworn on a Bible.

httpv:// Kathleen never dreamed she’d get the chance to say to her face, “You’re not a leader, you’re a climber!” Palin’s daughter snorts, “You’re just jealous.”

Sarah had to stop Kathleen!

Todd Palin and Sarah’s security block the camera. Her entourage tore down the sign. Palin’s daughter snorts, “You’re an A-hole.”

Sarah Palin’s Un-Rights in Un-Alaska at YouTube.
Transcript of the video can be found here.

climate calves

“What is going on in the Arctic now is the biggest and fastest thing that nature has ever done.” – Richard Alley

Greenland’s Petermann glacier lost a 100 sq mile chunk of ice, 4-times the size of Manhattan.

And all the ice of Greenland will disappear in just ten years as temperatures rise as little as 2C.

And seas will rise 23 feet.