Climate disruption is the term recommended by longtime climate scientist Michael Tobis. That’s the term.
Saying “climate disruption” is stating the whole problem.
When evidence is needed, try NASA’s Eyes On The Earth as a top ‘go to’ website.
Slacktivist sez: The facts of the matter do matter to those for whom facts matter.
“We’re not going to go down the science route”, says Karen Alderman Harbert, president and chief executive officer of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Institute for 21st Century Energy.
Harbert frequently testifies in front of Congress and
provides analysis to the media, policymakers and industry leaders.
Harbert is Republican administration former assistant secretary
for policy
and International Affairs at the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).
She was the primary policy advisor to the DOE Secretary
and to the department on domestic and international energy issues,
including climate change, fossil, nuclear, and renewable energy and energy efficiency.
Harbert was also a member of DOE’s Executive Board as well as the Credit Review Board.
She negotiated and managed bilateral and multilateral agreements
on energy security and research and development objectives.
She was vice chairman of the International Energy Agency
which advises its 27 member nations
on energy policy issues
and orchestrates international responses
to energy supply disruptions.
Harbert was the deputy assistant administrator for
Latin America and the Caribbean
at the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).
She had oversight of programs in 11 countries,
totaling more than $800 million and 1,000 employees.
In the private sector, Harbert worked for a developer
of international infrastructure and power projects
valued at more than $9 billion int he Middle East, Asia, and Latin America.
Harbert gained experience on economic reform and privatization
through earlier positions at the USAID, the Organization of American States,
and the International Republican Institute. [link here]
Michael Tobis also said:
“The problem with quotes on Twitter is that you can’t always be sure of their authenticity.” ~ Abraham Lincoln