To learn a good living

Giving your way to Profitability

Most of us get into business in a large part to earn a living, preferable a good living. We spend immeasurable energy in our efforts to produce profit for our businesses.

In my opinion the most over looked strategy for a high income is the act of giving.

Now yes philanthropy is important and maybe the subject of a future blog, but that is not what I am getting at here. What I am talking about is giving of our selves, and I really mean giving.

In my experience much of life is counter intuitive. When we switch our thinking in business from what we get to what we give something magical happens.

I have been self employed most of my life. Whether I was an employee or retained by clients I have always tried to exceed their expectations. I think that holds true for relationships of all kinds when someone feels like they getting more than they are giving they generally want the relationship to continue.

When the “giving” come from a place of passion, from a place of love (yes I know I am writing to a business audience) the cost of the “giving” is so nominal so we feel what we are getting is truly awesome. I have experienced love in the work place (and no it was not what you’re thinking).

When I was President of Community Prescription Service I reported to Stephen Gendin who was co-founder & CEO. We shared an office. We were so completely opposite in every way our staff could not figure out how we worked together never mind really got along well, and enjoyed each other company. Our “love” for each other made our differences a strength. In the four years before Stephen’s death we doubled our gross revenue and grew profits substantially more proportionally.

Recently an employee at a client company said something that really hit home with me. She said “the owner wants us (the employees) to get out of our comfort zone (for improved performance); he needs to get out of his comfort zone first”. One of the biggest barriers in business is trust.

If we as leaders give of ourselves and I mean dig deep and really give, people will respond in kind and I promise profits will follow.