This is a human edited blog

I didn’t write the Amazon review in the sidebar although it looks as if I did. It was originally posted by an Amazon staffer before Amazon brought in Alexa. It later reverted to my account — and I haven’t any idea why.

But it’s true. I use the One Stop Thought Shop to “provide education and insight about breakthrough science, technology and our modern world.”

And this is true: “This is a good site for learning new things.”

I am human.
My blog is edited.
This is a human edited blog.
Putting some healthy bran in the brain to help filter information congestion, I post what I think is important, interesting and good for you.

Humans and algorithms and humans
Geeking with Greg, a blog that is’exploring the future of personalized information’, brings us a link to John Battelle’s interview with Googler Matt Cutts. Some interesting excerpts from Matt on algorithms based on user data:

When savvy people think about Google, they think about algorithms, and algorithms are an important part of Google. But algorithms aren’t magic … quite often … [they] are based on human contributions in some way.

The simplest example is that hyperlinks on the web are created by people … Google News ranks based on which stories human editors around the web choose to highlight. Most of the successful web companies benefit from human input, from eBay’s trust ratings to Amazon’s product reviews and usage data. Or take Netflix’s star ratings … [they] are done by people, and they converge to pretty trustworthy values after only a few votes.

Findory is similar in that its recommendations are based on what humans find and discover. The knowledge of what is good and what is not comes from readers; it is people sharing what they found with each other.

Most of my posts point to further information outside my blog, so generating inbound links can be tough.

I’d appreciate your help.

Would you take a moment to give me a link?
