Bumping into sites is like following intuition.
Or walking along the beach.
Here’s a neat summary of the necessary skillset in the advertising sector:
“I think I’m starting to believe that the fundamental skillset of great [advertising] planners is actually relatively uncomplicated.
It’s really easy 😉 you just have to be a brilliant, interesting and challenging human being with an amazing capacity to express yourself. Oh yeah, and be completely ego-less, and be able to take shit from multiple directions simultaneously.”
Yeh sure. Really easy. We all qualify. Yup. But not to worry.
The reputed agency Brand Tacticians in the UK offers relief:
How to do great creative work
Without being clever or talented
Plus, they’ve posted this snippet:
Today the Financial Times reports that nearly one quarter of US baby boomers are insulted by the advertising messages that companies are sending them, according to a survey by a WPP research group. As a result, many said that they were actually less likely to buy a product. Only 25%?
I suppose that’s the very best “brilliant, interesting and challenging human beings with an amazing capacity” can achieve.