the revolting unregulated

As well as unbridled banksters, what other sector is regulated with the Republican voodoo of laissez-faire? Contract Animal Testing.

Pledging industry self-regulation, Bayer, Eli Lilly, Novartis, Merck, Sergeant’s, Wellmark, and Meria are caught at one of the most cruel facilities on earth.

They yelled and cursed at cowering dogs and cats, calling them “asshole,” “motherfuckers,” and “bitch”; used pressure hoses to spray water—as well as bleach and other harsh chemicals—on them; and dragged dogs through the facility who were too frightened to walk.

In one test commissioned by a corporation whose products are sold in grocery and drug stores nationwide, a chemical was applied to the necks of 57 cats.

The cats immediately suffered seizures, foamed at the mouth, lost vision, and bled from their noses. Despite this, the substance was put on the cats a second time the very same day.

No USDA employees appear, but PETA’s volunteer went undercover for months.

The video shows laboratory employees discussing the use of sedatives that expired in 2007. “Maybe that’s why it doesn’t work,” says a voice on the video, shortly before the scene cuts to a dog twitching as its teeth are pulled with a pair of pliers. In another clip, one employee counsels another not to bother reporting a dog’s sores to the veterinarian. “If you have ten dogs that have the same problem, it’s not a problem,” she says. “It’s a living condition here.”

Shades of 500 million sick eggs! Many dogs had raw, oozing sores. The USDA finally inspected the lab last week, and has permanently shut down the company, Professional Laboratory and Research Service.

Sick. America. Sick all through.
And lazy.