Take Our Money

Which Party makes us money?

David G. Klein, NY Times, Whish Party Makes us money?
1. FRoosevelt: 267.2% increase.
2. Clinton: 118.1% increase.
3. Coolidge: 110.4% increase
4. Eisenhower: 68.7% increase
5. Bush (Sr.): 44.1% increase.
6. Reagan: 26.4% increase.
7. Johnson: 22.4% increase.
8. TRoosevelt: 18.1% increase.
9. Wilson: 15.1% increase.
10. Truman: 11.4% increase.
11. Nixon: 9.7% increase.
12. Carter: 0.2% increase.
13. GWBush: 0.5% decrease
before market crisis!
14. Taft: 1.5% decrease.
15. Hoover: 83.5% decrease.

Kennedy, up 12.5% in two years and ten months.

The debt ceiling will be over $11 trillion by the time Bush leaves office.

Republicans cost us money!

Compare Family Income, Democrat, RepublicanWhich party, Democrat or Republican, puts more money in our pockets? [NYTimes]

Simply put, the United States economy has grown faster, on average, under Democratic presidents than under Republicans.

Say it nicely:

“There is a large historical gap in economic performance between the two parties.”

Vote cruel.