steal your town

Extortion at City of BellExtra tidbits on extortion at the City of Bell – population 38,000, average income $40,000.

The city manager’s full salary comes out to more than $1.5  million after a benefits package of more than 20 weeks of paid vacation and sick time per year !

Annual time off as well as retirement, medical and other insurance cost the city $386,786 on top of his base salary and is not accounting State of California retirement accrual.

Base salaries in the news tell only part of the story.

City Manager Robert Rizzo base pay – $787,637
Police Chief Randy Adams – $457,000
Assistant City Manager Spaccia – $376,000
Director of Administrative Services Lourdes Garcia – $422,707
Director of General services Eric Eggena – $421,402
Director of Community Services Annette Peretz – $273,542
Deputy City Engineer – $247,573
Business Development Coordinator – $295,627
Police Captain – $238,075
Police Lieutenant – $229,992.

Merely 700 Bell residents turned out for the vote that authorized council members to set salaries. Among other perks for attending few meetings, the city council set their pay at $100,000 per year.

Attorney General Jerry Brown is livid. Generally, $400 per month is the stipend paid to city council while an average city administrator is paid about $225,000.