I was struck by the forthrightness here:
All the world’s a garden for night-time guerrillas
Kate Kelland
FoodSafety Kansas UAn army of self-styled Guerrilla Gardeners is, according to this story, growing across the world, fighting to transform urban wastelands into horticultural havens.
To document and encourage their victories, one of the movement’s leaders has written a handbook. On Guerrilla Gardening, by Richard Reynolds, defines the activity as “the illicit cultivation” of someone else’s land.
“Our main enemies are neglect and scarcity of land,” said Mr Reynolds, 30, a former advertising employee who wrote the book after his website, guerrillagardening.org, became a global focal point for activists.
“Land is a finite resource, and yet areas like this are not being used. That seems crazy to me. And if the authorities want to get in the way of that logic, then we will fight them, but peacefully, showing them what we can achieve with plants.”
On his website he writes: “Scattering seeds is the easiest way to guerrilla gardening. You do not even have to stop moving to do it.”