
Ayn Rand was proud, grouchy, vindictive, insulting, dismissive, and rash...

Arrogance so common, well, so Sarah, so Bernie Madoff, er, so easily Republican.

Ayn RandAmong a long line of successful psychotics, she built a glorious imaginary empire on that nuclear-grade temperament, then devoted every ounce of her will and intelligence to proving it was all pure reason.

Her temperament could have neutered an ox at 40 paces. “I am” and “I want” are an inadequate substitute for Ayn Rand’s years in Russia. This is the comedy, the tragedy, and the power of Rand.

New York Magazine:

After reading the details of Rand’s early life, I find it hard to think of Objectivism as very objective at all—it looks more like a rational program retrofitted to a lifelong temperament, a fantasy world created to cancel the nightmare of a terrifying childhood.


She built a glorious imaginary empire on that nuclear-grade temperament, then devoted every ounce of her will and intelligence to proving it was all pure reason.

So damn familiar and utterly tiring, she was proud, grouchy, vindictive, insulting, dismissive, and rash.