Greenhouse gas on the dinner table?

Jean-Marc Jancovici, whose website on climate change is readable, chartful with well-documented articles, estimates that roughly one-third of carbon emissions are a result of producing our food.

Plus, agriculture is the main source of the principal non-CO2 greenhouse gases: methane and nitrous oxide.

The U.S. food system consumes ten times more energy than it produces in food energy.

There are 52 transport and process stages in one bottle of ketchup.

Up to 25 percent of car journeys are to get food.

Manufacturing the packaging (wood, paper, steel, aluminium, plastics) accounts for 70-80 percent of the overall emissions of the food industry.

Electricity consumption linked to eating (fridges, freezers, dish-washers, stoves and ovens, not to mention small appliances) represent up to 22 percent of all energy consumed at home.

via culiblog

From plow to plate

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