Duty, dedication, loyalty and love

Jan & Gertruda GrzebskiDuty, dedication, loyalty and love are obscured in media stories about a man in Poland who awoke from a very long coma.

Hit by a train in 1988, Jan Grzebski has been in a perpetual coma and kept alive by his wife Gertruda. She was convinced that he would recover one day.

“People kept asking when he was going to die, but he is not dead,” she said.

What’s the amazing part of this story?

To prevent bed-sore infections, she changed her comatose husband’s position every hour for nineteen years!

She exclaimed to AP, “This is my great reward for all the care, faith and love.” [Times Union, Telegraph, BBC, Telegram]

physorg.com has discovered additional insight about Grzebski, now becoming known as the Polish ‘Rip van Winkle’. Commenting on the extreme nature of his 19 years, Grzebski told the news service AFP that he was conscious of what was going on around him throughout his state of — “well, call it ‘in absentia,’ if it wasn’t a real coma”.

“I heard everything around me.

“I understood everything but I could not utter a single word.

“I was like a plant.

“It was horrible, not being able to communicate.”