Does geography affect allergy?

The Food Allergen Labelling and Consumer Protection Act has identified as major food allergens eight foods or food groups which account for roughly 90% of all food allergies. [story]

  1. wheat
  2. eggs
  3. fish
  4. crustacean shellfish
  5. tree nuts
  6. peanuts
  7. milk
  8. soybeans

The European allergen labelling legislation came into force with twelve allergens. Action may follow on fructose and molluscs… [story]

  1. gluten cereal (i.e. wheat, rye, barley, oats…)
  2. eggs
  3. fish
  4. crustaceans
  5. nuts
  6. peanuts
  7. milk
  8. soybeans
  9. celery
  10. mustard
  11. sesame seeds
  12. sulphur dioxide and sulphites

Peas, kiwi and apple are seen as allergens in other parts of the world.