Brits call Bush a mouse

If profitable, war against evildoers.
If profitable, protect evildoers.

Here’s what a British newspaper says about this convenient Bush Doctrine:

How are the mighty fallen!

President George Bush, the crusader king who would draw the sword against the forces of Darkness and Evil, he who said there was only “them or us”, who would carry on, he claimed, an eternal conflict against “world terror” on our behalf; he turns out, well, to be a wimp.

A clutch of Turkish generals and a multimillion-dollar public relations campaign on behalf of Turkish Holocaust deniers have transformed the lion into a lamb.

No, not even a lamb – for this animal is, by its nature, a symbol of innocence – but into a household mouse, a little diminutive creature which, seen from afar, can even be confused with a rat. Am I going too far? I think not.

The “story so far” is familiar enough.

Thumbnail, Armenian GenocideIn 1915, the Ottoman Turkish authorities carried out the systematic genocide of one and a half million Christian Armenians.

There are photographs, diplomatic reports, original Ottoman documentation, the process of an entire post-First World War Ottoman trial, Winston Churchill and Lloyd George and a massive report by the British Foreign Office in 1915 and 1916 to prove that it is all true.

Even movie film is now emerging – real archive footage taken by Western military cameramen in the First World War – to show that the first Holocaust of the 20th century, perpetrated in front of German officers who would later perfect its methods in their extermination of six million Jews, was as real as its pitifully few Armenian survivors still claim.

But the Turks won’t let us say this.

They have blackmailed the Western powers – including our own British Government, and now even the US – to kowtow to their shameless denials.

Link to a war crimes analysis:

Armenian Genocide – 1915-1918 – 1,500,000 deaths.

No Allied power came to the aid of the Armenian Republic and it collapsed.

After the successful obliteration of the people of historic Armenia during the Armenian Genocide, the Turks demolished any remnants of Armenian cultural heritage including priceless masterpieces of ancient architecture, old libraries and archives. The Turks even leveled entire cities such as the once thriving Kharpert, Van and the ancient capital at Ani, to remove all traces of the three thousand year old civilization.

Adolf Hitler noted the half-hearted reaction of the world’s great powers to the plight of the Armenians giving orders to “kill without pity or mercy all men, women, and children of Polish race or language. Only in such a way will we win the vital space that we need. Who still talks nowadays about the Armenians?”