Asset words

To convert language into new content is a challenging art. The words tossed about in science, politics and business to promote ideas or the sale of products are usually copy/paste words or hastily rearranged words. Only a handful of words are constructed entirely for the reader and fewer words are built for the author. Most words lay on space, perhaps only to squeeze them into a website or advertisement. The convenience of engineering the internet is only one chapter. There is much more required.

Ask a storyteller how they create and polish their work. The draft material arrives in many different forms. Some drafts will fail in the first sentence or two. Others will flow like water but make no sense or have no impact. But in the end, a body of work begins. The work of writing original material will start to produce assets that companies around the world will want to copy/paste. Thus, the SEO professional builds commercial assets.

Can internet managers and entrepreneurs understand the complex elements in langauge assets? Will most engineers only see the organization’s structure or its transaction rates or whether they can exercise their power and influence? Will content be impatiently hurried along merely to fill the blank spaces of a screen?

If there are 10,000 vendors of a health supplement, it doesn’t take too long to see that there are only a few sources of the language used in descriptions and promotional material. Perhaps this explains why only a few dozen supplement vendors are truly profitable on the internet.

Words are the assets that fill the screen. Is there something other than words used by the search engines? Is there something other than words displayed for the reader?

Stories are the assets that fill the mind. Shrinking a company’s business plan into mere site engineering, rather than encouraging the art of the writer and designer, is similar to filling a bucket with dirt while leaving the gold on the ground.