as we use the web

Danah Boyd:

“Kids have always cared about privacy, it’s just that their notions of privacy look very different than adult notions.

“Kids don’t have the kind of privacy that we assume they do. As adults, by and large, we think of the home as a very private space – it’s private because we have control over it. The thing is, for young people it’s not a private space – they have no control. They have no control over who comes in and out of their room, or who comes in and out of their house.

“As a result the online world feels more private because it feels like it has more control.”

Bruce Schneier:

“For if we are observed in all matters, we are constantly under threat of correction, judgment, criticism, even plagiarism of our own uniqueness.

“We become children, fettered under watchful eyes, constantly fearful that — either now or in the uncertain future — patterns we leave behind will be brought back to implicate us, by whatever authority has now become focused upon our once-private and innocent acts.

“We lose our individuality, because everything we do is observable and recordable.”