Dana’s blog: “I have never before, in my lifetime, had a President I could instinctively trust, and unequivocally support.”
Real political transformation consists of defining the center and causing everyone else to realign around that center.
…President Obama is re-defining the political center, standing in it, and forcing the political planets to re-align around him. He has studied history, he knows how to play the part, and he still gets in his morning workout (so he will continue to look mahvelous).
Certainly the pace of change will slow eventually, but by the time it slows we will live in a different world, a transformed world, with different definitions of left and right, of fair and unfair political tactics, and of relationships between the governing and the governed.
I have never before, in my lifetime, had a President I could instinctively trust, and unequivocally support. I know that people on the left will constantly be prodding him to do more, and those on the right will have to spend much time in the wilderness before they can even respond.
But the political center of America has been redefined, in just 10 days. By leadership that understands history, uses technology, and knows how a consensus is built.
Has anyone found the source of this morph from Bush to Obama?