“The right moment has come today, for the first time after the end of the Cold War, for making real progress in resuming the global disarmament process on a broad agenda.”
GENEVA — Russia’s foreign minister called Saturday for an end to a decade of failure in global disarmament talks, seeking to build on an upbeat meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.
WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama appealed Saturday to his fellow citizens to endure, find opportunity in these hard times and ultimately prosper from the challenge.
“That is what we can do and must do today. And I am absolutely confident that is what we will do.”
In other housekeeping news,
- the Supreme Court wiped away one of the Bush administration’s greatest victories – to order indefinite detention of legal residents of the United States.
- A federal judge threw out a lawsuit questioning Obama’s citizenship, lambasting the case as a waste of time and suggesting the plaintiff’s attorney may have to compensate the president’s lawyer.
- Allies of Mr Obama say his weary appearance in the Oval Office with UK Prime Minister Brown illustrates the strain he is now under, and the president’s surprise at the sheer volume of business that crosses his desk.