Dreaming without editing. It’s Friday.
Unlike Greenspan, irrational exuberance notwithstanding, our current Fed chief Bernanke can be somewhat understood.
Bernanke says the Fed must increase regulation of banks and investment firms. This is not what McCain and his jingo sidekick Phil Gramm want.
During and after the Keating and Enron collapses – now with housing and oil – $Billions of hurt hurt Americans, these boys sell us populism, not their wisdom, to sell deregulation, get votes. They tell the fringe that Jesus is on their shoulder and tell everyone else that God prefers a free market over socialized rules because freedom helps wealth trickle into your poor pocket.
When Greenspan was dubwa-speaking, er, double-speaking, about our economy, time and time again he called for risk management tests, installed a few, but took us to the brink of Chicago School, pure game theory in the fashion of both loose and derivative.
But Bernanke thinks prudence matters and sees ‘gamers’ are excessive.
Sure. I know. I’m obtuse again, telling odd stories as if an old Bard at the end of the bar. But I’m doing more than planting clues. I’m saying it seems the Fed has had enough of lies and Laffer’s curve. He might not let foreign libertines nor strong states take America, and is indicating for the first time since Reagan that the party is… well… requires penance, and must justify outlandish, ingenious estates.
Andy Warhol meets Wall Street is over.
Yacht For Sale.
You too Trump.
America is taking its first steps to becoming organized?
Oh, what will the Europeans say?
Of course this is true.
Worldly players have climbed into wit and strength. China, Russia. Europe too. The Middle East, gee whiz, Venezuela or Brazil…. Our world is better than Zimbabwe or Bush. How long can our allies be Poland, Latvia, and only a mayor or two?
Sad, yes it’s sad, that statesmanship has failed.
How many ideologues can a bureaucracy hire before failure?
But if you parse Rand Corporation or Hoover, as far back as the late-80s, before oligarch was a homespun worry in our own land, many have warned that cheap battle, insincere bullies and pandering politicians were the first mistake if we wanted a better post-Cold-War world.
Since turning the Executive Branch budget into the industrial Brown Group, plus today’s ridiculous White House armies, is there one, name one, any successful military response?
Berkeley activists said Vietnam was stupid. We all took Jimmy Carter to the wash when Iran stormed our walls. But what campus marches because Saddam’s Suni ain’t Shi’ite?
What will you tell your your children when one trillion dollars failed to find bin Ladin? Oh, Tom ‘Brokaw’ Mix is our best cowboy?
Remember Jack Kennedy asked kids to fix us with a Peace Corps?
Politics made sense and kids like good sense, and peace was a real word.
But bullets killed this man, his brother, and King too, then sunk a generation.
Now it’s propaganda run by idiots hiring fools, so twisted only fools understand it.
While we cower, silly people, angry men remain unable.
While we cower, silly people, angry men are as unable now as always.
As if frogs know they’ll be rats, we vote zero government as if the Bible says it’s true. That’s our recent evolution, wot?
Upside-down might be easier to fix than stupid.