Even the Etherious can be Properly Serious
Large aged institutions seeking restitutions match gumptions, aim assumptions, challenge improvements, educate movements, calling sufficient not less than omniscient — a task recommended even if dead ended. Regardless conditions in mind or munitions, that’s preservation not creation; a consensus objective to soothe the subjective; assets sophisticated in actions distillated. Real value let me tell you, in all categories, is not in these stories.
What is the deductive that spurs the productive? Not savings and debt. Not cyclic bet. Not deficits added nor momentum padded. Not organs or cults. These stifle results. Not stiffer a fine to help undermine reticent tissue. This clouds the issue. No, I report, the facts support that angry miser is no fertilizer when what we require is incentive’s fire.
Lend some support for here I purport our greatest resource, no matter our course — impregnable forts, lucrative exports, justice and reason without moral treason, or freedom’s impunity in gentle community — our purpose can’t shift to get over this rift. If we’re interdependent, remaining resplendent, we must tune our novice and junior to rise up the mast, to see both future and past in all aggregation that fuels innovation.
Find what is requiring all the untiring to push to the end for which we depend. You must seek the vantage. Peer over the rampage, where wisdom’s enough, no matter how rough; where no explaining or drama or feigning can cloud the growth that freedom’s oath can bring to this nation. Now that’s socialization!
Isn’t it proven that what keeps us movin’ is not intellectual, not dreams ineffectual, however analytical or grandly political? No! Freedom’s invincible if based on the principal that each can find motion from ocean to ocean, reaching and catching, dreaming and matching, in faith and with fearing, with sweat and engineering, with diligent facts in solvent pacts. If anyone will share it, let’s base it on merit. This is the trend to level the bend, to smooth the tension in cash flow and pension. To recover know how, compete and show how.
Committees promoting, elevating or demoting the actuarial fences of programmed consensus; chits and credit, no matter who’s led it, no matter the bank, no matter the rank, no firm will ever earn, nor thinker ever learn the power systemic in the creative polemic, always available, never assailable, always effective in freedom’s directive.
Lets not be demented with what’s implemented. Do well for doing good. We know that we should. What’s holding us back? Worry about trouble and lack? Imbalanced obligations? Value added among nations? Inadequate attention? Paralyzing contention? Risk and recapture? Greed for the rapture? Ideas rejected by the self-elected? We can’t force a fool. Use democracy’s tool! Why be delirious? Why jostle the serious? Is it their choice, not ours? Why waste your hours?
The only safe moat is get out & vote. Leave the rhetorical fudge. Let results be the judge. Look square in the face at the problems we chase. Go back to the right in yourself day and night. You know if you’re giving good effort for living. You know life is fine when we’re each genuine.
Use responsible onus ’cause history’s shown us society’s crescendo is not innuendo. It’s living without fear and doubt. It’ not military nor voodoo nor fairy, nor a ritualized nod to a relegate God. It’s not guaranteed work or a pork barrel jerk. It’ not feeble acting or caustic reacting; not hidden maneuver or charade improver. It’ not narcissism or tricks and farcism. Let’s be fair. Those who care fulfill genuine need whether they follow or lead.
© ’87 Brian Hayes