Voice in the Economy

There’s too many voices for me to sort. I trust none on TV, few in news, and never bloggers… 🙂 …thus I’m free to be utterly blind but never led, the only hope remaining.

Richard Cook is resolute and will not stop saying we are fools under a cynical trump of super rich too arrogant to be wise.

Day after day, Richard Cook is working to say their errors will condemn us, not the first time. He is proving we have too little knowledge about the wielding of power.

It’s nonsense, don’t you think, to know so little about the rich? Why on this good earth are we blind to power?

This link is to a chronology of his articles. This link is to his home site. This link is to a recent article, “The End of the Anglo-American Empire?

Much of the world’s history over the last century has been dominated by the United States. But by the turn of the millennium in 2000-2001, the “American Century” had begun to descend into a chamber of horrors.

The years since then have been marked by the huge financial bubbles engineered by the U.S. Federal Reserve System and the virus of predatory global capitalism. We have the looming worldwide economic crisis with rising bankruptcies, credit disruptions, and soaring fuel and food prices. Alongside has been the thinly-disguised but continuing attempt by the U.S. to conquer the Middle East by force of arms under the heading of the “War on Terror.”