USA slipping another notch

Paul Wolfowitz – a key architect of the policy that led to war with Iraq – seems to have failed to become a likeable leader at the World Bank.

Wolfowitz is facing expulsion for funneling high paying tasks to a girlfriend, for importing a ‘private staff of Republican yes men’, and for failing to adequately execute his newly fashioned policies.

Reuters reports that most say Wolfowitz’s heavy-handed management and alienation of bank staff means that his staying on only makes a bad situation worse.

What may become a permanent change is the open door that Americans have enjoyed in the executive suites at the World Bank. New procedures are now being considered to develop a more robust method of selecting who will occupy senior positions that will dilute the favored influence of the USA.

The Guardian reported that Paul Wolfowitz threatened Senior World Bank staffers:

Sounding more like a cast member of the Sopranos than an international leader, in testimony by one key witness Mr Wolfowitz declares: “If they fuck with me or Shaha, I have enough on them to fuck them too.”