Much scholarship is mere commentary, most promo twiddle-dee-steroids, but will biomass save the Mississippi?!!
…nutrients in impaired water from agricultural runoff could be reused on biofuel crops, providing a potential solution to the inefficiency in the use of agricultural fertilizers near the Gulf of Mexico hypoxic zone…
In Nebraska, 44 percent of riparian buffers and 50 percent of roadway buffers overlap with areas of nitrate-contaminated groundwater, wastewater and livestock farms.
Using marginal land, roadway buffer strips, brownfield sites and degraded water resources in Nebraska can increase biomass feedstock production to meet 22 percent of the state’s energy requirements.
Marginal land resources include riparian and roadway buffer strips, brownfield sites and marginal agricultural land. Degraded water resources include runoff, fertilizer-contaminated groundwater and wastewater.