They love to make you mad

I discovered some words to help explain my feelings surrounding a recent experience with an odd fellow I was recently stuck too near while in Sacramento:

“It’s kind of striking that angry expressions are a very negative signal to almost everyone, yet making others angry can be a tasty morsel that some people will vigorously work for.”, said Oliver Schultheiss, University of Michigan associate professor of psychology.

A parade of rightness is a stimulant for some folks.
Many people love to make other people mad.
It’s an addiction.

angry man thumbnailUnlike a true reward, this addiction is an arrangement as hurried and impulsive as administering weekend drugs. Some people find that raising anger from others is so rewarding they go out of their way.

Perhaps reinforced by annoying someone, some people continue to heckle. Instead of offering wisdom, peace or love, this addiction seeks only to justify a greedy stimulant.

A small person raises small threats, thus the behavior is not perceived as a threat and becomes a reward.

Testosterone levels and dominance motivation is a learned sequence.
Recent work has been published in the journal Physiology and Behavior.

This snippet helped explain to me a zonko dingy oddwall experience.

I recall a good and vigorous heart that once exclaimed, “All beings seek attention in order to grow.”

They love to make you mad