Fraud! You want fraud? You can’t handle fraud.
American politics and the American economy reached some kind of turning point around 1980. What shifted is that Congressmen are now much more receptive to the opinions of the rich.
Business interests in all sectors organized a takeover of political power that pushed organized labor and other groups protecting middle-class interests to the sidelines and made possible decades of policies that have enriched the super-rich at the expense of everyone else, including the merely affluent. Finance was simply the biggest and most profitable of these sectors–and, we would emphasize, the one best able to hold the government hostage in a financial and economic crisis.
A cycle of politics as old as the Republic, and to a pathology in our politics that is as profound as any that our Republic has faced.
Comment snippets:
A pattern of bribery. Biological altruism does not scale. :::burp::: See the forest for the trees? Man-oh-man, it’s thick with parasitical vines. :::cough::: This liaison with lobbyists is just fancy money laundering. :::arrgh::: I am afraid that you are right. :::sigh:::