the nutmeg policies

Big stink in California about jobs. Right wing says taxes and regulations push out businesses such as military contractors in southern California. But this isn’t true.

Northrop Grumman moved 300 white-collar jobs to be closer to its key customers, federal agencies in Washington, not because of high taxes or cumbersome regulations. About 30,000 employees remain, the bulk of its California workforce.

Jobs lost as a result of business leaving the state total about 11,000 a year — less than one-tenth of 1% of California’s 18 million jobs.

To restore 2 million jobs lost under G. W. Bush, she says a governor just needs to be a ‘marketer-in-chief’. Yup. That’s it.

Meg Witless for Governor.With a national record for campaign spending, Meg Whitman stumps to ‘turn California’s economy around’. She’ll use the tired tricks of the RNC: A bully appointing political friends. Eliminate 40,000 state jobs. Emaciate agencies. Strip green tech incentives. Bust education and the safety net. Inflame hot-button issues. Chase farm workers.

Typical plutocratic junk.