we are so often foolish

Christiane and Stanley Kubrick and their great principle in life:

“Always be suspicious of people who have, or crave, power.”

All Stanley Kubrick’s life he said,

‘Never, ever go near power. Don’t become friends with anyone who has real power. It’s dangerous.’

Charm is attractive to many. And potent.

When you need propaganda, where do you turn?

“Where my uncle was an enormous fool, as many talented people are, was that he mistook his gift for intelligence,” says Christiane.

“He was a great big famous film person. He looked better and talked better and had enormous charm. So he thought he was also far more intelligent than Mr Goebbels. Goebbels was 10,000 times smarter than my uncle.”

“Film people, actors, are puppets. We are silly. We are silly folk.”


Christiane Kubrick. A few moments with an enlightened conscience.

Widow of film director Stanley Kubrick, her 41-year-old marriage, the director’s lost project about the Holocaust and his secret love of the waltz…