Seabed power plant

By the time the Atlantic Ocean pours through the Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia with a controlled fury that is unmatched anywhere in the world, nearly 14 billion tonnes of seawater will have sloshed into that channel — equivalent to the combined flow, some have calculated, of every river on earth.

Canada may well be the place for tidal power, or at least what is called in-stream generators.

The latest technology relies on small propellers or turbines that can be anchored to the sea floor.

Nova Scotia is considering as many as 300 units in a seabed farm, at least twice the 20 foot diameter of the test unit in this picture of a test unit by Scotland’s OpenHydro, in strategic locations around the bay.

[story at CBC]

The world’s first field of underwater turbines, using currents of the East River, will be in New York City. [link to post]