Zuckerburg, Facebook, that movie:
The tragedy—small in the scale of things, no doubt—of this film is that practically everyone watching it will miss this point.
Practically everyone walking out will think they understand genius on the Internet. But almost none will have seen the real genius here.
And that is tragedy because just at the moment when we celebrate the product of these two wonders—Zuckerberg and the Internet—working together, policymakers are conspiring ferociously with old world powers to remove the conditions for this success.
As ‘network neutrality’ gets bargained away—to add insult to injury, by an administration that was elected with the promise to defend it—the opportunities for the Zuckerbergs of tomorrow will shrink. And as they do, we will return more to the world where success depends upon permission. And privilege. And insiders. And where fewer turn their souls to inventing the next great idea.