much done

“Today, Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) has clear responsibility for examining emerging threats to our financial system.”

“No more bailouts. Instead, the Dodd-Frank reforms provide the government with the authority to wind down any firm.”

“Today, there is one agency for one marketplace with one mission – protecting consumers.”

“Before Dodd-Frank, consumer protection was fragmented over 7 fed regulators … [with] higher priorities than protecting consumers.”

“Today, the OTC derivative market is comprehensively regulated for the first time.”

“Before Dodd-Frank, the OTC derivatives markets- $700 trillion at its peak–grew up in the shadows, with little oversight.”

“Today, ‘too big to fail’ is gone. We no longer have to make the untenable choice between taxpayer bailouts and market chaos.”

“And the regulators have clear authority to restrict excessively risky activity, including proprietary trading, by banking firms.”

“Today there is authority for clear, strong & consolidated supervision of every financial firm-regardless of legal form.”

Assistant Secretary Michael S. Barr Remarks at the American Bar Association.