meltdown makes us nuts

“We need to decide as a society whether this increase in income inequality is efficient and acceptable and, if not, what mix of institutional reforms should be developed to counter it.”

This may be the wrong era to be rational. We’re raising bullying and bigotry and paranoia against both global and local ‘other’. We wrongly blame a global financial crash on house flipping and overstretched subprime borrowers. We wrongly blame Obama for debts before he was elected. The more the person earns, the lower the tax rate. For corporations, taxes is a sex act —the game is to not pay taxes anywhere. We’re distracted by crackpot politics and fundamentalist celebrity paraded by billionaires.  Secret money pours into shadowy groups —expect as much as $250 million between now and Election Day. Lobbyists and pundits are paid more to sway opinion than  leaders to build policy.

Where’s reasonableness and diligent analysis?

Two hundred thirty-four years ago, our country’s founders concluded this country’s founding document by declaring: “We mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.” How odd that the document we call the Declaration of Independence concludes as a Declaration of Inter-Dependence. Furthermore, that interdependence was not just some feel-good, wishy-washy sentiment.

Rather, it demanded that we put all toward the general good – not just money, but everything we are and ever will be.