Republican globalists.
Oh maybe it isn’t so much left, right or nuts, but a current crop of officeholders with entirely lazy souls.
Schwarzenegger visited Tokyo as part of an Asian tour as he looks for foreign contractors and funds to help with a high-speed rail network that will include a route between Los Angeles and San Francisco.
Japan is offering a loan. Chinese, South Korean and Europeans too. China’s Ministry of Rail yesterday signed a memorandum of understanding with the Bay Area Council.
As Rome burns and a’that. California is a mess with a huge budget fiasco and intense layoffs. A state $20 billion behind year after year, facing mushrooming long term obligations, will sink $40 billion on mere political pride? That is p-p-p-purely poor pursuit.
What offshore train repairs a 15% poverty rate?
History is marking California’s dramatic decline. Never fixed by a zippy train, folks are sadly confused about how it’s economy was stripped and are steered away from pointing to the factors and players responsible.