from tear to shining tear

Read it and weep.

•    1% own nearly twice as much as they did 15 years ago.
•    66% income growth after 2001 went to top 1%.
•    83% of all stocks are in the hands of 1%.
•    10% extract 50% of all national income.
•    50% of us own less than 1% of all income.
•    80% of us have only 7% of all cashable assets.
•    Banks own more housing than all Americans put together.
•    Only 5% of incomes matched rising housing costs since 1975.
•    Executive pay jumped to 500 to 1 since 2000.
•    Wall Street bonuses were up 17% over 2008.
•    %16 more millionaires in 2009, to 7.8 million.
•    61% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck.
•    36% have no retirement savings.
•    43% have less than $10,000 for retirement.
•    24% postponed retirement in the past year.
•    ~1.4 million filed bankruptcy in 2009, up 32% over 2008.
•    Finding a job has risen to a record 35.2 weeks.
•    40% are employed in low pay service jobs.
•    Only federal pay is more than crushed private sector.
•    40 million are on food stamps; up to 43 million in 2011.
•    21% of children live below the poverty line – highest in 20 years.