Free Market Idiocy

It stuns me that jingoist Republicans threaten our nation and remain contenders.

When will these utopian fools stop? By its very definition, a society works together, devising services and rules under sensible government. We are not an agriculture merely open to the winds of commerce. That’s nonsense.

Free market policies under Republicans have become mystical, and dangerous.

McCain’s free-market health care would loose a sales force into every neighborhood no nation could manage or control. Commissions will be added to administrative costs while profits remain siphoned from every family.

Ameriblog notices that top business leaders say the Republican plank will “impose particular burdens on small businesses and old-line manufacturers that are already struggling.”

“To some in the business community, this is very discomforting,” said R. Bruce Josten, executive vice president for government affairs at the Chamber of Commerce.

“The private marketplace, in my opinion, is ill prepared today with an infrastructure for an individual-based health insurance system.”

Using the one year budget freeze and cuts of $1.3 trillion over 10 years to the government programs, Douglas Holtz-Eakin, McCain’s senior policy adviser, said cuts from Medicare and Medicaid programs serving seniors, poor families and the disabled have always been planned to fund the McCain health care tax credits.

Sarah Palin misrepresenting as usual. Palin Asserts McCain’s Health Care Plan Is Free.

“Maybe it’s radical because we don’t want the government to control it all we want the private sector we want through competition for American families to be able to afford health care. Doesn’t cost the government anything and certainly doesn’t increase anyone’s taxes.”

Competition for American families? When will this robbery end?

Why do we need regulations?

The “health insurance death spiral“, which is a drawback to McCain’s health care plans. How it works is this: As time goes on, people in a given plan get sick, and the cost to insure them rises. The insurance company sets up a new plan, offering cheaper rates, and healthy members of the old plan decide to switch to the new plan.

Those who have developed conditions, however, cannot get accepted by the new plan, so all that’s left in the old plan are people who are costly to insure, and the rates rise for that plan. As rates rise, more and more people find the costs of that plan too high for their conditions, and they drop out, reducing the plan to sicker and sicker individuals over time. Eventually, the company drops that plan altogether.

Normally, this is something practiced by the commercial health insurance plans. You’ve surely heard the ads on television that say “you cannot be singled out for a rate increase” or “rates are guaranteed”.

The death spiral is one trick they use to avoid insuring you if you become an unprofitable customer.

You bet we want our government to control health care.