A business is not about shareholder value, or about making gobs of money. A business is about believing in something big and important and worthwhile, an idea that compels you to share a piece of yourself with the world.
It’s finding opportunities to work with great people pursuing similar dreams; people desiring to make their world just a little bit better.
It’s about realizing that your life has been blessed with amazing gifts and talents, and understanding that the highest purpose of those talents is to help others.
mantra at BuildV1
The people we work with are forward-thinking idealists – people probably a lot like you. They approach their companies with the same passion we approach ours with.
They believe that anything worth doing is worth doing in a remarkable way.
They understand that their business is a reflection of themselves, and they project the best of themselves into the company that they love.
Their businesses are a means to a livelihood for themselves and their employees, but they are also much more.