Stump politics is new, a Century or more, but novel and not mature. What parade have millions watched and how few have thrown trinkets?
I’m so patient for humanity but utterly slapped by jingo. I wonder if war will make us finally stubborn before lies do?
Ambition is unnoticed effort. It climbs into a family and calls itself purpose. It arrives before an invitation and stays whether wanted. It labors until wicked and sees only love.
These are the days of perception. There have been pioneers that endure much more than our good discerning. Today we think our frontier and those speeches are our tomorrow. Our vote one footstep to take us there.
It’s darn important to look at character or its dereliction. Darn important to decide who’s near us on the trail.
Conscience ahead and votes
> I like the word ‘discern’. It doesn’t need me knowing; only that I see.