eyewitness weakness

Great moments in making it up, because memory is fiction:

A memory is only as real as the last time you remembered it.

The more you remember something, the less accurate the memory becomes.

Memory is a ceaseless process, not a repository of inert information.

Slate has published an important series on the distortions and dishonesties of memory.

graphite realism

Truly photo-realistic drawings!

Very, very talented Paul Lung uses only a 0.5mm technical pencil to produce millions of textures.

Each drawing takes 40-60 hours.

root issues

Violent crimes – murders, rapes, and assaults – are substantially higher in countries with a relative scarcity of men. Go figure.

open government data

Which neighborhoods have the highest number of liquor stores?
Which zip codes have the lowest diabetes rates?
Which hospitals have the worst rates of antibiotic-resistant bacteria?
Which zip codes in America have good access to fresh produce?

We have weather reports and the air quality index, can you imagine what will be possible when we have health information?

predatory capitalism

One thousand years ago the monarchs ruled — so what’s different today?

One-third of the earth’s surface is ruled by 35 monarchs. Queen Elizabeth II is the largest land owner on Earth. The pope’s holdings and massive land ownership by the world’s religions are in trillions. Ted Turner’s 2 million acres is the largest USA land holding. Plum Creek Corporation owns over 7 million acres.

diseases of status

There is a hierarchy of prestige in medicine.

Which diseases boost a doctor’s rank? Here’s the ranking of diseases:

Myocardial infarction [heart attack]
Spleen rupture
Brain tumour
Testicle cancer
Pulmonary embolism [normally blood clot on the lung]
Angina pectoris
Extrauterine pregnancy
Thyroid cancer
Meniscus rupture [‘torn cartilage’]
Colon cancer
Ovarian cancer
Kidney stone
Ulcerative colitis [inflammation of the bowel]
Kidney failure
Duodenal ulcer [peptic ulcer]
Pancreas cancer
Ankle fracture
Lung cancer
Sciatica [‘trapped nerve’]
Bechterew’s disease [arthritis of the spine]
Femoral neck fracture
Multiple sclerosis
Inguinal hernia [abdominal wall hernia]
Apoplexy [internal organ bleeding]
Cerebral palsy
Depressive neurosis
Hepatocirrhosis [cirrhosis of the liver]
Anxiety neurosis

Doctors working with people who have the least status in society (children, the ‘mad’, the ‘old’) also have the least status in medicine.